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DiSC® PPS & Indra
The First DiSC® In-Depth Relationship Assessment
Today's workplace demands productive communication, positive relationships, and extraordinary performance. To bolster employees' skills, organizations have relied on tools that teach individuals about their own style and how to apply it in various settings. Until now, there was no way to directly apply this learning to relationships. Now these critical skills can be developed as never before with DiSC® Indra™.
Create New Levels of Understanding
DiSC Indra offers a model of human relational behavior unavailable in any other DiSC-based assessment. This innovative model brings DiSC learning and understanding to the next level — to that of the relationship itself. It maps and measures the relationships of people, providing individuals and groups with feedback concerning the interrelatedness of different DiSC styles. DiSC Indra is designed to highlight the areas of compatibility and incompatibility, pinpointing individuals’ differences and providing insight about how to work effectively together. It provides actionable insight into the dynamics of teams and other groups of people.
Take DiSC Learning Further
For nearly 30 years, people and organizations have used DiSC to learn more about themselves and the impact their behavior has on others.
The DiSC model explores four primary behavioral styles:
- Dominance
- Influence
- Steadiness
- Conscientiousness
DiSC Indra represents the integration of DiSC with the concepts and methods of Interpersonal Psychology. The result is a mathematically precise model that helps people measure and explore the inter-personal dynamics of their relationships. Using a highly developed psychometric model called a circumplex, DiSC Indra explains the interconnectedness of the styles and provides concrete, accurate feedback about how individuals with different patterns interact.
Detailed Reports Provide Three Levels of Interpretation
DiSC Indra's feedback reports provide insight on individuals, dyads (pairs), and groups. Explore the compatibility of specific people, teams, committees, departments – even the entire organization. Understanding which styles work best together, which can be effective, and which can hinder the group will maximize effectiveness and create synergistic environments. DiSC Indra is the first DiSC-based assessment to offer this kind of in-depth, targeted feedback.
Deeper Learning, Enhanced Applications
DiSC Indra is designed to be used in any setting where interpersonal effectiveness is key to the success of individuals and teams. Through its detailed feedback reports, it provides concrete, accurate information regarding potential obstacles to building effective relationships. DiSC Indra can be used in a variety of applications, including:
- Leadership
- Coaching
- Teams
- Communication
- Conflict resolution
Click Here To Download Sample Indra Report
Click Here To Download More Information About Indra
Profile System®
Why do we act the way we do? How do others see us? Use the Personal Profile System to understand yourself and your impact on others while reducing conflict and improving relationships. This original and most reliable DiSC® instrument has been used for over twenty years by twenty million people, worldwide. The Personal Profile System's DiSC® Dimensions of Behavior model identifies and groups behavior in four easy-to-understand areas:
- Dominance
- Influence
- Steadiness
- Conscientiousness
Use the paper or online instrument to discover your strongest behavioral preference and how to use your personal DiSC® profile to meet everyday communication and business challenges. Flexing your behavior will enhance your effectiveness. The current version, the Personal Profile System 2800 Series, is newly scaled to today's diverse workforce and is the result of extensive field research and testing. It's setting today's higher standard for behavioral-based learning.
"Personal Profile System" is a registered trademark of Inscape Publishing, Inc.
Call us to see how DiSC can make a difference in your staff and volunteer teams. 800-986-8472
Contact Association Works for information about other Inscape Publishing DiSC® Learning Resources
Click here for a Sample Basic Report
Association Works is an Authorized Distributor of Inscape Publishing, Inc. products and Certified DiSC® Indra™ Trainer
Half and Full Day Training Sessions Designed for Nonprofit Staff and Volunteers
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